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Caroline Guntur

Organizing & Productivity Coach

Caroline Guntur, a.k.a. The Swedish Organizer, is an Organizing & Productivity Coach who helps extraordinary creatives, artists, and entrepreneurs manage their businesses, get organized, and become more productive. 

Through her online courses and coaching offers, she empowers her clients to make better decisions and develop systems for maximizing the ROI on their time and efforts. 

She is a Golden Circle Member of NAPO (The National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals), and a Masterclass Coach for TPM (The Photo Managers). 

Her work has been featured in several books as well as in publications like Better Homes & Gardens, Brides, Authority, Reader’s Digest, ThriveGlobal, and Parade.

Caroline runs her online business as a basecamp digital nomad, currently splitting her time between the United States and Sweden.

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