Produced By THE TILT and LULU.COM

Content Entrepreneur Expo – is August 24-26, 2025 at the Cleveland Convention Center. CEX is the one event to help content entrepreneurs build audience, drive revenue, and learn better content operations. 

We will be announcing our agenda in 2025, but in the meantime check out last year’s programming below.

Monday May 6, 2024
Tuesday May 7, 2024

07:30 AM-
8:15 AM


Grand Ballroom Networking Lounge


08:15 AM-
08:30 AM

Taking Your Content Land Back

Grand Ballroom

Joe Pulizzi starts the conference off with a warm welcome and his advice on taking your content land back.


Joe Pulizzi

08:30 AM-
09:15 AM

Digital Doppelgänger (s)

Grand Ballroom

How savvy content creators are augmenting their unique talents using the magic of AI.


Andrew Davis

09:40 AM-
10:00 AM

Your IP – Prepare, Package and Sell it

Grand Ballroom

Thought leaders have mountains of IP sitting on hard drives and websites everywhere. We know we need to monetize our ideas, but how do we do it efficiently, effectively and profitably?…


Pamela Slim

07:30 PM-
09:30 PM

Lulupalooza '80s Party

Pickwick & Frolic

Join us for an evening of networking, '80s music and fun at Pickwick & Frolic. (Be sure to bring your badge as it is your ticket in the door!)…

07:30 AM-
08:15 AM


Grand Ballroom Networking Lounge


12:00 PM-
12:30 PM

Optimize Your Content Using AI

Grand Ballroom

This session will explore unique ways to leverage generative AI to help you create high-performing content, get it on the right channels, and make sure your target audience finds it. …


Brian Piper

12:30 PM-
01:45 PM


Grand Ballroom Networking Lounge

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