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Jeff Gargas

COO and co-founder of the Teach Better Team and Co-Author of "Teach Better."

Jeff Gargas is a 4-time college dropout who started an education consulting business with a buddy he met in the music industry. After building a profitable, 7-figure business in an industry he knew nothing about, he strives to share his 20+ years of experience starting and growing companies in a variety of industries. 

Jeff is currently the COO and Co-founder of the Teach Better Team (Creators of, The Grid Method, and Teach Further) and co-author of the book, “Teach Better.” He and his team work with schools and school districts to increase student engagement and improve student success. 

Jeff leads Teach Better’s EDUcreator Club+ Community, built for educators who create things outside of their classroom or school. Through his 1-on-1 coaching and masterminds, Jeff has now helped dozens of EDUpreneurs grow to 6-figure businesses. 

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